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.dat file cannot be opened, I tried everything

The program I downloaded to my computer is not working. I tried to open it in the same file. It didn't work. I turned off my antivirus and it still didn't work. It gives me the .dat file not found error. I have no updates, there is no problem, but for some reason I cannot use the program, please help.


Quote from sofianhit10 on June 18, 2024, 10:47 pm

is your windows system with other language than english ? arabic for example !!

if your system is not english , then i can tell you what to do to fix this issue .

if it is an english , so you need help from the admin only .

I use Turkish

19 Haziran 2024 09:13 tarihinde sofianhit10'dan alıntı
19 Haziran 2024 07:35 tarihli gooselmain'den alıntı
18 Haziran 2024 22:47'de sofianhit10'dan alıntı

Windows sisteminiz ingilizce dışında başka bir dil kullanıyor mu? örneğin arapça!!

Sisteminiz İngilizce değilse, bu sorunu çözmek için ne yapmanız gerektiğini size söyleyebilirim.

eğer ingilizceyse, sadece yöneticinin yardımına ihtiyacınız var.

türkçe kullanıyorum

bunu dene :


1- setup dosyalarını ingilizce isimli klasöre koyun (ingilizce yazı tipleriyle yazın).
2- setup klasörünü ingilizce isimli veya isimsiz bir ana bölüme koyun. örnek: D:\
3- kurulumu çalıştırın ve şu yola kurmayı seçin: C:\Program Files.
4- Programı çalıştırıp yönetici olarak çalıştırın.

bu işe yararsa bana bildirin.

I did the installation, but it shows an error at startup and it does not show this error in older versions, but it gives an error when trying to install the set in older versions.

Uploaded files:


Quote from sofianhit10 on June 19, 2024, 9:55 am


I did the installation, but it shows an error at startup and it does not show this error in older versions, but it gives an error when trying to install the set in older versions.

can you run the program as administrator and see if this error still showing !

Still Showing


Quote from sofianhit10 on June 19, 2024, 10:51 am
Quote from gooselmain on June 19, 2024, 9:58 am
Quote from sofianhit10 on June 19, 2024, 9:55 am


I did the installation, but it shows an error at startup and it does not show this error in older versions, but it gives an error when trying to install the set in older versions.

can you run the program as administrator and see if this error still showing !

Still Showing

sorry ,

i cant fix it .

i met like this issue because my system is arabic and i fixed it as i explained it .

oh :/

My files
Sofeh Sunrise